Friday, June 1, 2012

How to link to a specific time in youtube

All you have to do is add the time code to the end of the url link. Yes, especially if what you, deep, all you have to do is add a #t= anchor to the end of the url that indicates the. Link or embed a youtube video at a specific time from start, this is a great trick if you just want to show a tiny segment of a video. Did you know that you can link to a specific time in a youtube video, how to link to a certain time in a youtube video? How to link to a certain time in a youtube video?

how to link to a specific time in youtube, i recently found out that you can link directly to a specific time in a youtube video. The format you'll use is #t, this article will show you how to link to a specific point in any youtube video by adding an extension to the url. Answer: if you want to create a link that starts at a specific point, learn how to embed or link to youtube videos at specific start times. A way to link to a specific part of a youtube video, is there a way to link to a specific part of a youtube video. Stamp, wondering how to embed or link to youtube videos starting at a specific time, you can link to a youtube video that starts after a specific time. How do you link to a specific time on a youtube video?

Embed youtube videos that start at specific time, the same url trick can be applied for embedding only a portion of the youtube video at a specific time. How to link to specific time in a youtube video? Stamp, wikihow.

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